Urethral stricture is a narrowing of the urethra, leading to varying difficulty while passing urine.The caveats deciding the mode of treatment are - the length of the involved urethra and the amount of thickness of the wall of urethra, which is involved in the pathological narrowing. The commonest causes of urethral stricture are infection or trauma.
Surgical treatment is the best option for this disease. In short segment strictures with partial thickness wall involvement, endoscopic treatment in the form of Visual Internal Urethrotomy (VIU), is a good option. This procedure may require subsequent urethral dilatations either by metal bougies or by Clean Self Intermittent Catheterization of a good caliber urethral catheter, to prevent recurrence of the stricture.
For longer segment, severely narrowed full thickness involvement of wall or traumatic transection of urethra, open urethroplasty with use of buccal mucosa or lingual mucosa, in the form of only or inlay or combination of both, are the best solutions.